Psst! I've posted some details about my notebook setup here.

A snake in the pipes!

A few comments on the new "pipe" output flag in Snakemake.


Composing generator functions in Python

In which I briefly motivate the utility of generator functions and demonstrate that they can be nested to create a data processing stream.


Reading roundup

Roundup of links from the last week's worth of interesting reads.


Reading roundup

Roundup of links from the last week's worth of interesting reads.


Shell pipelines in Python

The UNIX shell is an indispensible tool for project organization and data management in bioinformatics. I spend a lot of time in the shell, and having picked up on a lot of time-saving techniques over the years it might just be my favorite computing environment.

The shell has its limitations, however. Piping, the very feature that gives the shell its …


Random gene distribution: follow up

I recently sketched out some notes on random placement of genomic intervals. Here I show a more concrete implementation


Some notes on random gene distribution

I've been looking at statistics of gene spacing, but as of yet have not compared these to benchmarks of "randomly" distributed genes. Here I sketch out a few rough notes on the topic.
