Psst! I've posted some details about my notebook setup here.

My tutorial on git banches

I've been trying subtly (and in a few cases not-so-subtly) for years now to convert my colleagues to the gospel of git and GitHub. The git version control system has its quirks no doubt, but there is—in my opinion—no more powerful system for open collaboration on software and science than git and GitHub. A quote I attribute (hopefully …


Formatting C code with clang-format

Found a nifty tool for enforcing formatting styles for C code.


PEP8 and the Atom editor

I tried out the Atom text editor very soon after it came out. For some reason--whether a half-hearted attempt on my part, or the fact that Atom was an unrefined beta--I didn't love it. After only a day or two, I reverted to the Komodo Edit editor I had been comfortable with for several years.

Recently, I heard a colleague …
