The NCBI Transcript Shotgun Assembly database is the go-to place for submitting transcript assemblies for long-term archival and public access. However, TSA is not one of the database options provided when doing keyword searches at NCBI. TSA sequences are available through the nuccore nucleotide database, along with all other DNA and RNA sequences.

If you want to search NCBI exclusively for TSA records, include tsa-master[prop] in your query. For example, if you want to look for TSA records for the wasp Polistes metricus, select the Nucleotide database and use the query tsa-master[prop] AND "Polistes metricus"[Organism]. Similarly, the query tsa-master[prop] AND Polistes[Organism] will search the entire genus. The final entry of each TSA master record is a TSA attribute, with a link to download the sequences in compressed Fasta format.
